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The Summertime Pool Paintings Of Neal Breton

art neal breton painting

Our walls have finally been refreshed with some Neal Breton goodness! Check out these beauties.

This latest collection from Breton's Pool Series is simply delightful. We've known Neal for about 10 years now and it's been incredibly inspiring to witness his never ending quest to create while being true to himself by painting what he wants to paint without holding anything back.

He dives headfirst into a subject and attacks it from every possible angle he can. Then, right before your eyes, a day comes when he finds a new interest and dives into that subject without looking back. 

Lucky for us, this subject of pools has been one of his longest lasting obsessions. Other than 90's punk music, but that's a totally different subject. Anyway, we are extremely pleased and honored to have these hanging on our walls. 

All of these are one of a kind originals painted on wood. If you'd like to purchase any of these simply click on the image. And, of course, we always encourage you to come into the shop and see the artwork in person. 

24" x 36" - acrylic on wood.
$800 - Available to purchase here.

"Another Evening Poolside"
30" x 30" - acrylic on wood.
$600 - Available to purchase here.

30" x 40" - acrylic on wood.
$600 - Available to purchase here.

20" x 24" - acrylic on wood.
$225 - Available to purchase here.

16" x 36" - acrylic on wood.
$500 - Available to purchase here.

We hope you enjoy Neal's work as much as we do. If you have any questions please let us know. 

As always, thanks for looking!
- Viva

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